Help With View Fit On Screen BatchPlay

Here is the JSX function to do that. It is on my to do list to try to figure out how to put this into a UXP batchPlay descriptor but I haven’t attempted that yet. Based on what I read in the decriptors documentation, I think the 4 letter designators need to be switched to '$Mn ', ‘$MnIt’ and ‘$FtOn’. I’m guessing there is someway to mash this into a batchPlay descriptor.

function fitOnScreen() {	
cTID = function(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated( cTID( 'Mn  ' ), cTID( 'MnIt' ), cTID( 'FtOn' ) );
desc.putReference( cTID( 'null' ), ref );
executeAction( cTID( 'slct' ), desc, DialogModes.NO );