Export JPEG and get file size in UXP

Is there any further information on this? Is there any way to export a file using UXP? I can confirm that the Alchemist plugin, even the development version I installed via the UXP Developer Tool, returns zero events for any file export.

This seems like it should be utterly basic functionality.


I ended up using legacy export, which can be recorded by actions/Alchemist

I remember seeing export in the road map under (far future) more than a year ago I think

I also read somewhere in the forums that export functionality is available to be used under the hood, I just didnā€™t manage to figure out the parameters since itā€™s private and undocumented

TLDR: not available yet
you can record legacy export
you can use quick export which only allows choosing the target folder but not the filename

Can the ā€œexportā€ you are talking about be substituted with ā€œsaveAsā€?

Hereā€™s an example

Document about saveAs

Document about save options

It cannot, because I need to be able to downscale on exporting. I do wish that I could use it, though!

@Maher Thanks so much for this suggestion! This looks very promising, though, I must admit, this is one of the more confusing event descriptors Iā€™ve come across. Would you happen to have any further information on what the legacy export parameters mean?

property names are a mess, for my case I used known value in the properties I want to be dynamic and looked for that value and replaced it with my own variables.

async function quickExport(folder, filename, quality) {
   await executeAsModal(async () => {
      let command = { "_obj": "export", "using": { "$DIDr": true, "$EICC": false, "$Mtt": false, "$MttB": 255, "$MttG": 255, "$MttR": 255, "$Op": { "_enum": "$SWOp", "_value": "$OpSa" }, "$Pass": 1, "$QCUI": 0, "$QChS": 0, "$QChT": false, "$QChV": false, "$SHTM": false, "$SImg": true, "$SWch": { "_enum": "$STch", "_value": "$CHsR" }, "$SWmd": { "_enum": "$STmd", "_value": "$MDCC" }, "$SWsl": { "_enum": "$STsl", "_value": "$SLAl" }, "$obCS": { "_enum": "$STcs", "_value": "$CS01" }, "$obIA": false, "$obIP": "", "$ohAA": true, "$ohAC": { "_enum": "$SToc", "_value": "$OC03" }, "$ohCA": false, "$ohEn": { "_enum": "$STen", "_value": "$EN00" }, "$ohIC": true, "$ohIZ": true, "$ohIn": -1, "$ohLE": { "_enum": "$STle", "_value": "$LE03" }, "$ohQA": true, "$ohTC": { "_enum": "$SToc", "_value": "$OC03" }, "$ohXH": false, "$olCS": false, "$olEC": { "_enum": "$STst", "_value": "$ST00" }, "$olNC": [{ "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC00" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC19" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC28" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC24" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC24" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC24" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }], "$olSH": { "_enum": "$STsp", "_value": "$SP04" }, "$olSV": { "_enum": "$STsp", "_value": "$SP04" }, "$olWH": { "_enum": "$STwh", "_value": "$WH01" }, "$ovCB": true, "$ovCM": false, "$ovCU": true, "$ovCW": true, "$ovFN": filename, "$ovNC": [{ "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC01" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC20" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC02" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC19" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC06" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC24" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC24" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC24" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }, { "$ncTp": { "_enum": "$STnc", "_value": "$NC22" }, "_obj": "$SCnc" }], "$ovSF": true, "$ovSN": "images", "_obj": "SaveForWeb", "blur": 0.0, "format": { "_enum": "$IRFm", "_value": "JPEG" }, "in": { "_kind": "local", "_path": folder }, "interfaceIconFrameDimmed": false, "optimized": true, "quality": quality } };
      result = await batchPlay([command], {});
   }, { "commandName": "Exporting..." });

the example above exports JPG using a token, filename and quality

Oh, very interesting! Iā€™m wondering: when I looked at this command on alchemist, I saw no option for ā€œquality,ā€ so I do not know what that property is supposed to expect. [EDIT] Iā€™m guessing that, since my own goals are to save as PNG24, there is no quality setting that Iā€™d be making.

When I recorded this action with Alchemist and changed the quality setting, I still could not get ā€œqualityā€ to appear. What do I put for quality? In my case, I want to export to a target resolution, so Iā€™m assuming that I need to change _value for:

      "$HScl": {
         "_unit": "percentUnit",
         "_value": 50
      "$VScl": {
         "_unit": "percentUnit",
         "_value": 50

Additionally, just to be sure, in your field, you have a folder option. Is this the usual method for retrieving a folder for export? [EDIT] the code below is incorrect. See at end of post.

async function getUserFolderSessionToken() {
  const entry = await fs.getFolder();
  try {
    return entry;
  } catch (e) {

edit I did some more investigation, and I applied the above steps. However, I am getting the following error:

NAPI API failure: String expected

What I did slightly differently was have a separate function for populating the event descriptor, then I assigned that to [batchCommands], then I inserted that into:

async function exportLegacy(folder, fileName, scalePercent) {
  let batchCommands = [eventExportLegacy(folder, fileName, scalePercent)];
  try {
    return await executeAsModal(async () => {
      /*I get the error here*/await batchPlay(batchCommands, {});
    }, { commandName: "Legacy Export" });
  } catch (e) {

This is the code I used for retrieving a session token to feed into the batchplay event descriptor:

async function getUserFolderSessionToken() {
  let entry = await fs.getFolder();
  let token = fs.createSessionToken(entry);
  try {
    return token;
  } catch (e) {

I was missing a step. fs.GetFolder(); does not retrieve the values needed for writing to a folder. I need that second line let token = fs.createSessionToken(entry); to effectively act as the ā€œfolder path to write stuff toā€ explained here.

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