Export Layers to file individually

I managed to get it to work, without it throwing the “Unsupported type in descriptorToObject”.
I commented all the other options that might be causing the issue hoping that they would have a default value, and it seems as though they do. Also, I am saving the a folder which UXP allows me to write to:
const dataFolder = (await UXP.storage.localFileSystem.getDataFolder()).nativePath.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")

I have yet to try if it works in .getTemporaryFolder() too.

    _obj: "6f1c2cf5-4a97-4e32-8f59-f5d7a087adef",
    message: "Export Layers To Files action settings",
    destination: "C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Roaming\\Adobe\\UXP\\PluginsStorage\\PHSP\\25\\Developer\\ADOBE_PHOTOSHOP_PLUGIN_NAME\\PluginData",
    fileNamePrefix: "test",
    // visibleOnly: false,
    // fileType: "7",
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    // tiffCompression: "TIFFEncoding.NONE",
    // tiffJpegQuality: "8",
    // pdfEncoding: "PDFEncoding.JPEG",
    // pdfJpegQuality: "8",
    // targaDepth: "TargaBitsPerPixels.TWENTYFOUR",
    // bmpDepth: "BMPDepthType.TWENTYFOUR",
    // png24Transparency: true,
    // png24Interlaced: false,
    // png24Trim: true,
    // png8Transparency: true,
    // png8Interlaced: false,
    // png8Trim: true,
    // _options: { dialogOptions: "dontDisplay" }