How to load PS Actions through UXP

If you want the UXP script, you cannot get the path automatically as you say. It will be roughly the same code on this page.

If it is a UXP plugin, you can specify the path as you like, so it can load an atn file in the same folder as the document you have open, for example.

const { localFileSystem } = require('uxp').storage ;
const { action, app, core } = require('photoshop') ;

const main = async () => {
  try {
    await core.executeAsModal(
      async (control) => {
        const doc = app.activeDocument ;
        if(doc == null) {
          app.showAlert(`Please execute with the document open.`) ;
          return ;

        const docPath = doc.path ;
        if(docPath === '') {
          app.showAlert(`Please save the document and then execute it.`) ;
          return ;

        // get atn file in same folder as active document
        const parentPath = path.dirname(docPath) ;
        const atnName = 'set1.atn' ;
        const atnPath = path.join(parentPath, atnName) ;
        const atnEntry = await localFileSystem.getEntryWithUrl(atnPath) ;

        // load an action set with the same name if it does not exist
        const actionSetName = path.basename(atnPath, '.atn') ;
        const whetherExistsActionSet = action.validateReference({_ref: 'actionSet', _name: actionSetName}) ;
        if(whetherExistsActionSet) {
          await app.showAlert(`No action set was loaded since it already exists.`) ;
          return ;
        } else {
          await ;
          await app.showAlert(`ActionSet '${actionSetName}' has been loaded.`) ;

      {'commandName': 'Load Action Set'}
    ) ;
  } catch(e) {
    await app.showAlert(e) ;
} ;
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