A plugin to "logically group" related groups/symbols

Someone knows if there is a plugin to “logically group” related groups/symbols?

My intention is to group related groups/symbols to map user stories IDs when prototyping. Like this: https://player.vimeo.com/external/248218115.hd.mp4?s=71259840fc5aa9aea81513fed2d68c2ee15f5369&profile_id=174

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Hi @ggondim, I wasn’t really able to understand the request here. The video you posted shows annotating on the design by marking some parts of the design. Are you asking if any plugin does that? or something else? could you explain what you mean by “logically group” related groups/symbols?

Yes, is that annotation I mean. “Logical group” was a form I found to name this feature, because there is already “physical groups” in XD. Is there something like this to document user stories in prototype?

@ggondim XD prototype provides you a way to drop a pin and leave comments. However, you cannot drag and select parts of the design.