Adobe UXP: Things you need to know! (free video-series)

i am studying the book of @DavideBarranca Adobe UXP plugins with React JS, it is really well done! I recommend to everyone

Hello everyone!
I’ve published a new installment of the series, this time titled “The UXP Landscape Guide: mapping your learning journey through Adobe extensibility”.


This one is a longer (~40 min) presentation which goal is to give a sense of what UXP is all about. Mostly to inform the learning journey of people approaching it for the first time, with just a vague idea of the territory’s shape.
I’m going through a bit of history, the tech stack, the rationale, the possibilities, stuff to master, stuff to know something about, stuff to stay away from, resources, etc. :slight_smile:
You can find it here.

The complete series so far:

Have a nice day and thanks!