An error occurred while setting the font and the font was not set correctly successfully

As described in the title.
I use react with uxp 5.5.6 and api 2.
I need to change all the content of a text layer to the same font in unison, but it doesn’t work.
I execute the command by traversing the layer and determining when the layer is a text layer.
const setStyleCommand = { _obj: "set", _target: { _ref: [{ _ref: "textLayer", _id: genLayer._id }], }, to: { _obj: "textLayer", // layerInfo is the information I have obtained about the current layer textStyleRange: layerInfo[0] => { return { ...item, _obj: "textStyleRange", from: 0, to: textKey.length, textStyle: { ...item.textStyle, _obj: "textStyle", fontPostScriptName: "ArialMT", fontName: "Arial", fontStyleName: "Regular", }, }; }), }, _isCommand: true, };
The magic is that if I change this font to another font, the replacement takes effect. If I use the font ArialMT, it will not take effect.
I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong, please help me.

I use the following command

const setContentCommand = {

            _obj: "set",

            _target: {

              _ref: [{ _ref: "textLayer", _id: layer._id }],


            to: {

              _obj: "textLayer",

              textKey: textKey,

              textStyleRange: layerInfo[0]

                (item) => {

                  return {


                    _obj: "textStyleRange",

                    from: 0,

                    to: textKey.length,

                    textStyle: {


                      _obj: "textStyle",

                      fontPostScriptName: "ArialMT",
		      fontName: "Arial",
		      fontStyleName: "Regular",
		      fontAvailable: true,






            _isCommand: true,


          await core.executeAsModal(async (executionControl) => {

            // await action.batchPlay([command], {});

            return await action.batchPlay([setContentCommand], {});
