application.appLanguage is undefined


I am trying to localize my plugin and can’t get through identifying user XD’s language.
Whenever I import “application” and access its property “appLanguage” it is undefined.


const { appLanguage } = require("application");


   "name": "My plugin",
   "host": {
     "app": "XD",
     "minVersion": "21.0"
   "helpUrl": "",
   "id": "9adb588a",
   "icons": [
       "path": "assets/logo.png",
       "width": 24,
       "height": 24
   "languages": [
   "uiEntryPoints": [
       "label": {
         "default": "My plugin",
         "ja": "My plugin Ja",
         "fr": "My plugin Fr"
       "type": "panel",
       "panelId": "runAEMForXd"
   "version": "0.0.1"

XD version: 26

Did I run into some sort of plugin’s limitations here?

That works correctly for me. Are you using Webpack or something similar which might be hiding XD’s "application" module from you? Can you see if the other fields & APIs that are expected to exist on application are showing up as undefined?


Thank you for your reply. I use Webpack that’s true, but it does not hide the “application” module as some other properties and functions are available. I am including the entire “application” module below:

{ RenditionType: { PNG: 'png', JPG: 'jpg', SVG: 'svg', PDF: 'pdf' },
   { API_BAD_REQUEST: 'api.bad_request',
     API_UNKNOWN_REQUEST: 'api.unknown_request',
     IO_FAILED: 'io.failed',
     RENDER_TOO_LARGE: 'render.too_large',
     INPUT_NODE_NOT_FOUND: 'input.node_not_found' },
  createRenditions: [Function],
  editDocument: [Function],
  _createRenditions: [Function: _createRenditions],
  _getObjectsToExport: [Function: _getObjectsToExport],
   { RenditionType: { PNG: 'png', JPG: 'jpg', SVG: 'svg', PDF: 'pdf' },
      { API_BAD_REQUEST: 'api.bad_request',
        API_UNKNOWN_REQUEST: 'api.unknown_request',
        IO_FAILED: 'io.failed',
        RENDER_TOO_LARGE: 'render.too_large',
        INPUT_NODE_NOT_FOUND: 'input.node_not_found' },
     createRenditions: [Function],
     editDocument: [Function],
     _createRenditions: [Function: _createRenditions],
     _getObjectsToExport: [Function: _getObjectsToExport] } }

Very strange. What value are you seeing for application.systemLocale? Same problem?

A couple other questions:

  • What are your OS’s current locale settings? What OS are you on?
  • If you boil this down to a simple plugin that has virtually no other code beyond a simple console.log(require("application").appLanguage) – without Webpack even – does the problem still occur?

Finally got it working. The problem was in how we imported the module:

import * as application from "application";

Thank you for your help!