I want to change values such as Tint, Shadows, Saturation, etc… in Photoshop’s Camera Raw.
I used the Action’s “copy as javascript” function to change the Exposure in Camera Raw and got the following:
async function actionCommands() {
let command;
let result;
let psAction = require("photoshop").action;
// Camera Raw Filter
command = {"$CrVe":"15.2","$Ex12":2.5,"$PrVN":5,"$PrVe":184549376};
result = await psAction.batchPlay([command], {});
async function runModalFunction() {
await require("photoshop").core.executeAsModal(actionCommands, {"commandName": "Action Commands"});
await runModalFunction();
However, the command object it shows seems very un-intuitive and different from normal UXP commands (for example, adjustment layer Contrast makes sense).
Is there an easier way to adjust the values in Camera Raw?