Can't debug in Chrome DevTools, only when using webpack

What aspect of it isn’t working for you? For me, debugging works (webpack or no webpack), but source maps, for now, do not appear to get recognized by the dev tools (not sure about that, though)…

Do you have your debug.json next to the manifest.json? Since webpack, after all, has some own folder structure, this might be an easy-to-overlook problem. In the boilerplate, it has to be /dist/debug.json.

Then, you’ll also have to run (different to what’s noted in the docs)

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -is -n="Adobe.CC.XD_adky2gkssdxte"

before running XD as discovered by @paolo.agostinetto (cf. Chrome DevTools in Windows: enable loopback).

For me, it’s working with this in the boilerplate…