How can I onvert the following JSX code into batch play:
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc1.putString(c2t("Msge"), "Some String");
desc1.putBoolean(c2t("Cntn"), true);
executeAction(c2t("Stop"), desc1, DialogModes.ALL);
How can I onvert the following JSX code into batch play:
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc1.putString(c2t("Msge"), "Some String");
desc1.putBoolean(c2t("Cntn"), true);
executeAction(c2t("Stop"), desc1, DialogModes.ALL);
Hi, this CEP JSX code shows a PS Stop/Continue box, hence a modal window.
• If you just ned an alert box:
const app = require("photoshop").app;
app.showAlert("Hello world!");
const psCore = require("photoshop").core;
psCore.showAlert({ message: "Hello world!"});
Ref. here:
Note that Win and Mac will render this alert differently:
Win OS: (render with a cross icon)
Mac OS: (render with PS icon)
• If you need more than just an OK button, then you might need to consider a modal dialog.
A great approach from @kerrishotts with a quick prompt
async function prompt(heading, body, buttons=["Cancel", "Ok"], options={title: heading, size: {width: 360, height: 280}}) {
const [dlgEl, formEl, headingEl, dividerEl, bodyEl, footerEl] =
["dialog", "form", "sp-heading", "sp-divider", "sp-body", "footer"]
.map(tag => document.createElement(tag));
[headingEl, dividerEl, bodyEl, footerEl].forEach(el => {
el.style.width="calc(100% - 12px)";
formEl.setAttribute("method", "dialog");
formEl.addEventListener("submit", () => dlgEl.close());
footerEl.style.marginTop = "26px";
dividerEl.setAttribute("size", "large");
headingEl.textContent = heading;
bodyEl.textContent = body;
buttons.forEach((btnText, idx) => {
const btnEl = document.createElement("sp-button");
btnEl.setAttribute("variant", idx === (buttons.length - 1) ? (btnText.variant || "cta") : "secondary");
if (idx === buttons.length - 1) btnEl.setAttribute("autofocus", "autofocus");
if (idx < buttons.length - 1) btnEl.setAttribute("quiet");
btnEl.textContent = (btnText.text || btnText);
btnEl.style.marginLeft = "12px";
btnEl.addEventListener("click", () => dlgEl.close((btnText.text || btnText)));
[headingEl, dividerEl, bodyEl, footerEl].forEach(el => formEl.appendChild(el));
return dlgEl.uxpShowModal(options);
Now that function prompt
is defined, use it as you wish:
const r = await prompt("Upload Large File", "This is a large file (over 100MB) -- it may take a few moments to upload.", ["Skip", "Upload"]);
if ((r||"Upload") !== "Upload") { /* cancelled or No */ }
else { /* Yes */ }
const r = await prompt("Delete File", "Are you sure you wish to delete this file? This action cannot be undone.", ["Cancel", {variant: "warning", text: "Delete"}]);
if ((r !== "Delete") { /* nope, don't do it! */ }
else { /* Do the delete */ }
In case use of prompt function, you control and design the look of your dialog window.
Further links:
There’s a video from @DavideBarranca on the matter of Dialogs:
Ref. from this post :
Hope this helps
Here is the batch play command:
'_obj' : 'stop',
'message' : 'Your Message',
'continue' : true,
'_options' : {"dialogOptions":"display"}
Need a second argument “modalBehavior” for this to work.
'_obj': 'stop',
'message': 'Your Message',
'continue': true,
'_options': {
"dialogOptions": "display"
}], {
'modalBehavior': 'wait'
'_obj': 'stop',
'message': 'Your Message',
'continue': true,
'_options': {
"dialogOptions": "display"
}], {});