Copy to cliboard

Hi! I’m wondering if anybody uses copy to clipboard functionality. Every time I call copyText I’m getting error Plugin Error: Plugin xd.plugin is not permitted to make changes from the background. Return a Promise to continue execution asynchronously.. The code I use is:

public async copyUrl(): Promise<void> {
  try {
    await clipboard.copyText(this.shareUrl);
    this.shareSucceed = true;
  } catch (ex) {
    this.shareError = ex;

Any ideas what’s wrong?

Checked other topics it seems that background problem is pretty common for different not background operations: Using Jimp to write images and Changing `selection.items` without "not permitted to make changes from the background" error.

Promises have to be returned to continue execution asynchronously as the error message suggest.s However, in this case, copyText is a synchronous method. You don’t have to await or wrap it around with a promise block.

Really error doesn’t depend on if I await for result on not. If I just call copyText in a sync manner error is the same:

Plugin Error: Plugin io.sympli.xd.plugin is not permitted to make changes from the background. Return a Promise to continue execution asynchronously.
    at convertPluginErrorToString (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:198)
    at internalFormatPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1073)
    at internalReportPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1180)
    at Object.reportPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1612)
    at Object.checkAllowedToEdit (plugins/ScenegraphGuard.js:1:1435)
    at Object.<anonymous> (plugins/ClipboardWrapper.js:1:194)
    at t.copyUrl (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:501323)

Where is copyUrl() being called from? I don’t see anything below it in your call stack. You have to be getting called from XD (in response to a user action) and return the Promise back to that caller. If you’re not acting in response to a user action, you won’t be able to modify the clipboard.

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copyUrl is a click handler so it’s called on button click. @stevekwak, said that copyText is synchronous method so I don’t need to return promise back. Is it correct?
Just curious why clipboard wrapper calls checkAllowedToEdit? I’m not editing anything, I’m just trying to copy some text.
Full stack is:

Plugin Error: Plugin xd.plugin is not permitted to make changes from the background. Return a Promise to continue execution asynchronously.
    at convertPluginErrorToString (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:198)
    at internalFormatPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1073)
    at internalReportPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1180)
    at Object.reportPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1612)
    at Object.checkAllowedToEdit (plugins/ScenegraphGuard.js:1:1435)
    at Object.<anonymous> (plugins/ClipboardWrapper.js:1:194)
    at t.copyUrl (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:501319)
    at Object.handleEvent (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:505516)
    at Object.handleEvent (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:202654)
    at Object.handleEvent (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:224395)
    at So (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:173569)
    at C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:179549
    at b.<anonymous> (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:275734)
    at e.invokeTask (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\polyfills.js:1:7850)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\main.js:1:141548)
    at e.invokeTask (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\polyfills.js:1:7771)
    at t.runTask (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\polyfills.js:1:3032)
    at t.invokeTask [as invoke] (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\polyfills.js:1:8933)
    at m (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\polyfills.js:1:22379)
    at b.k (C:\Users\avgre\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD.Prerelease_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\xd.plugin\src\polyfills.js:1:22609)
    at uxp://uxp-internal/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Torq/torq-native/release-3.1.0/build/modules_gen/domjs/src/js/domjs_scripts.js:322:893
    at j (uxp://uxp-internal/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Torq/torq-native/release-3.1.0/build/modules_gen/domjs/src/js/domjs_scripts.js:322:785)
    at g (uxp://uxp-internal/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Torq/torq-native/release-3.1.0/build/modules_gen/domjs/src/js/domjs_scripts.js:322:390)
    at f (uxp://uxp-internal/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Torq/torq-native/release-3.1.0/build/modules_gen/domjs/src/js/domjs_scripts.js:322:192)
    at k (uxp://uxp-internal/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Torq/torq-native/release-3.1.0/build/modules_gen/domjs/src/js/domjs_scripts.js:322:1097)
    at l (uxp://uxp-internal/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Torq/torq-native/release-3.1.0/build/modules_gen/domjs/src/js/domjs_scripts.js:322:1468)
    at b.value (uxp://uxp-internal/home/ubuntu/jenkins/workspace/Torq/torq-native/release-3.1.0/build/modules_gen/domjs/src/js/domjs_scripts.js:82:7361)

It’s hard to debug without looking at your code. Would you be able to share your plugin with us? Please feel free to send me the file at

With everything simplified, this should work:

const clipboard = require("clipboard");

function test() {
    clipboard.copyText("hello world");

module.exports = {
    commands: {

When plugin is run, “hello world” text will be copied to the clipboard

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@stevekwak, could you please try this one:

function helloHandlerFunction(selection) {
    const clipboard = require("clipboard");
    if (dialog == null) {
        //  create the dialog
        dialog = document.createElement("dialog");

        //  create the form element
        //  the form element has default styling and spacing
        let form = document.createElement("form");
        //  don't forget to set your desired width = 200;

        //  create a footer to hold your form submit and cancel buttons
        let footer = document.createElement("footer");

        let copyButton = document.createElement("button");
        copyButton.uxpVariant = "cta";
        copyButton.textContent = "Copy";
        copyButton.onclick = (e) => { clipboard.copyText("hello world"); };

You need to return that because .showModal() returns a promise:

return document.body.appendChild(dialog).showModal();
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Thanks, that works for dialogs. What should be returned in case of panels?

function showCopyPanel() {
    const clipboard = require("clipboard");

    panel = document.createElement("panel");

    let form = document.createElement("form");
    panel.appendChild(form); = 200;
    let footer = document.createElement("footer");

    let copyButton = document.createElement("button");
    copyButton.uxpVariant = "cta";
    copyButton.textContent = "Copy";
    copyButton.onclick = (e) => { clipboard.copyText("hello world"); };

    return document.body.appendChild(panel);

and show event just call it:

show(event) {
  return showCopyPanel();

You need to attach the created panel to the event.node object. Take a look at this example and let me know if you have any questions.

Did I get it right, you mean something like following:

function showCopyPanel(container) {
    const clipboard = require("clipboard");
    panel = document.createElement("panel");
    let form = document.createElement("form");
    panel.appendChild(form); = 200;
    let footer = document.createElement("footer");

    let copyButton = document.createElement("button");
    copyButton.uxpVariant = "cta";
    copyButton.textContent = "Copy";
    copyButton.onclick = (e) => { clipboard.copyText("hello world"); };

    return container.appendChild(panel);

and show event

show(event) {
  return showCopyPanel(event.node);

The result is exactly the same :frowning: If you don’t mind could you please share code snippet with tested working example. Maybe it’s platform issue? I’m testing it on windows 10.

Wrap the above like so:

copyButton.onclick = (e) => {
    require("application").editDocument( () => clipboard.copyText("hello world"); );

Not sure why copy text requires document editing but it works! Thank you very much!

I’m getting the same error attempting to copy from a dialog:

  <button onclick="require('clipboard').copyText('hello world')">copy</button>

Throws with the following message:

Plugin <id> is not permitted to make changes from the background. Return a Promise to continue execution asynchronously.


  <button onclick="require('application').editDocument(() => require('clipboard').copyText('hello world'))">copy</button>


Panel plugin edits must be initiated from a supported UI event.

Just to clarify, are using the code exactly like you shared? I checked the code you shared using innerHTML and it doesn’t work, it throws Plugin Error: Refusing to load event handler tag as executable code. The node was injected using innerHTML.

I’m asking because edit operation is very sensitive, e.g. I can’t use it because it doesn’t work after await: What is Panel plugin edits must be initiated from a supported UI event

What happens when you add an id and an uxpEditLabel?

   <button id="myButton" uxpEditLabel="Copy Text" onclick="require('application').editDocument(() => require('clipboard').copyText('hello world'))">copy</button>

You also have a typo in your onclick event:

 onclick="require('application" <-- non matching double quotes

@gdreyv @Velara apologies for the lack of clarity and the typo in my message above. Below are two repros you can try in your plugin. @Velara adding uxpEditLabel has no effect on either.

document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="container"></div>';
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = `
  <dialog id="dialog">
    <button id="button">copy</button>

document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  require('clipboard').copyText('hello world');


Plugin Error: Plugin <my_plugin_id> is not permitted to make changes from the background. Return a Promise to continue execution asynchronously.
    at convertPluginErrorToString (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:198)
    at internalFormatPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1073)
    at internalReportPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1180)
    at Object.reportPluginError (plugins/PluginErrorUtil.js:1:1612)
    at Object.checkAllowedToEdit (plugins/ScenegraphGuard.js:1:1572)
    at Object.<anonymous> (plugins/ClipboardWrapper.js:1:194)
    at b.document.getElementById.addEventListener


document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="container"></div>';
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = `
  <dialog id="dialog">
    <button id="button">copy</button>

document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  require('application').editDocument(() =>
    require('clipboard').copyText('hello world')


Plugin Error: Panel plugin edits must be initiated from a supported UI event
    at Object.checkAllowedPanelToEdit (plugins/ScenegraphGuard.js:1:2127)
    at Object.<anonymous> (plugins/ApplicationWrapper.js:1:4137)
    at b.document.getElementById.addEventListener

Sorry, I didn’t try to reproduce your error but check posts above Copy to cliboard - showModal really is not a void function. It returns Promise which you must return to the parent function in order to use something like editDocument. I guess it must be warned by the app but not it’s tricky. @stevekwak, even official examples have this problem:
For me it solved the error for dialog.