Creating a new folder in the file system using UXP

Hello! I’m needing to convert an existing Extendscript workflow into a UXP panel, but i’m a little lost with UXP and slowly understanding how to re-approach the project! So far, I have my panel up and running, and am able to do some of the basic operations. But…

How can i check to see if a folder exists at the location of the current document? Here’s what I’m trying to achieve:

Assuming my document’s name is: “superhero.psd”:

  • Check to see if there is a folder called “superhero-exports” in the same directory as “superhero.psd”
  • If there is, set that directory into a variable as the target directory for other functions (in my case, saving out PNGs)
  • If there is not, create one, concatenating the filename into '[filename]+“-exports” ', and set that directory into a variable as the target directory for other functions

The more I can see a parallel workflow, the more I’m understanding how to slide over into UXP from Extendscript. Any help is appreciated!

OK I slogged my way through a ChatGPT implementation. Not sure if it’s the most elegant but it works and returns a target directory!

const fs = require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem;

async function ensureDocumentSaved() {
    const app = require("photoshop").app;
    const document = app.activeDocument;

    if (!document) {
        throw new Error("No active document found.");

    if (!document.path) {
        console.log("Document is not saved. Prompting user to save it.");
        alert("Please save the document once first.");
        return false;
    return document;

async function getDocumentNameWithoutExtension() {
    const document = await ensureDocumentSaved();

      const fullName =; // Gets the full document name with extension
      const nameWithoutExtension = fullName.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ""); // Removes the extension
      return nameWithoutExtension;
      return false;

async function setupExportFolder() {
  const nameWithoutExtension = await getDocumentNameWithoutExtension();
    const folderName = `${nameWithoutExtension}-exports`;

    // Get the parent directory of the document
    const documentFolder = await fs.getFolder();

    if (!documentFolder) {
        throw new Error("Could not access the document directory.");

    // Get all entries in the selected folder
    const entries = await documentFolder.getEntries();

    // Filter entries to find the export folder
    let targetDirectory = entries.find(entry => === folderName);

    if (!targetDirectory) {
        console.log("Folder does not exist. Creating it.");
        targetDirectory = await documentFolder.createFolder(folderName);
    } else {
        console.log("Folder already exists.");

    return targetDirectory; // Return the target directory for further use
    return false

async function initializeTargetDirectory() {
    try {
        const targetDirectory = await setupExportFolder();
          console.log("Target directory initialized:", targetDirectory.nativePath);
          return targetDirectory;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error during export process initialization:", error.message);


If anyone has better ideas please let me know. Thanks!