Thank you for a great Creative Cloud Partner Days event.
In one of the sessions the staff asked for UXP features.
I just have a few (lol):
- OS Notifications - These are system level notifications. Currently, modern browsers support showing a message if the user grants permission. I would like to do the same.
- GetComputedStyle JS API - There are a few JavaScript libraries that don’t run without this API.
- Add a getter setter for pluginData on PSD layers.
- Multiple panel support - show a panel along the bottom or right side of the application
- Add menu item dynamically - Be able to add or update menu item
- Add context menu item dynamically - Add context menu option into the contest menu
- Support fixed width or monospaced fonts
- Image utilities - get bitmap pixel data and convert between base64
- Additional dialog types - in OSX the dialog slides down from top. In Windows it pops up in the center. I’d like the option to show a movable, resizable, draggable window so the user can move the dialog out of the way and see the artboards
- Get relative computed matrix of layer
- Open file in browser window
- API to call Undo or Redo from a dialog
- Global error event
- API to reload plugin manually
- Debug support in VSCode
- Get document font info
- Show scroll bars for textareas
- Open XD files from plugin directory or URL
- Open folder in Finder or Explorer
- Read component states
- Auto Animate scenenode discovery api
- Make a cloud document available to anyone with a link (same as share prototype option)