Double error when inserting images in frames type layers, in batch processing

Hello everybody!
This weekend I gave some more studies about these UXP Plugins and I addressed the theme of importing images again.
The theoretically simple processes at first sight type:
1 - Add some layers of frames
2 - Add photos only on selected layers: OK
OBS! I couldn’t find something that shows how to get and run something in just selected layers, I improvised something like this:
2.1: Group selected layers
2.2: Browse, get and create a matrix only with the names of the grouped layers
2.3: Go back to the previous step in the history to return the layers to their proper positions index .
3 - Test if the selected layers match: OK
Sample 1: Teste 01 - YouTube
4 - I inserted images in them: Error
The respective image is only inserted when selecting twice until done.
Sample 2: Teste erro 1 - YouTube
5 - When selecting the next layers, the images are inserted in the layers already processed and then inserted in the current selection: Error
Sample 3: Teste erro 2 - YouTube

Finally, I have no idea what could be going on.
Here the js that you add the images

  document.querySelector("#btn2").addEventListener("click",  evt => {
     core.executeAsModal( async() => { await  obterCamadas()})

async function obterCamadas(){
    selects =[]
    //Group selected layers
    await app.batchPlay( [{"_obj":"make","_target":[{"_ref":"layerSection"}],"from":{"_enum":"ordinal","_ref":"layer","_value":"targetEnum"}}], { synchronousExecution: false, });
    const doc = app.activeDocument;
    //Gets the names of the selected layers
    const result = await app.batchPlay( [ {_obj: 'get', _target: [{ _property: 'name' }, { _ref: "layer", _enum: "ordinal", _value: "targetEnum" } ] }], { synchronousExecution: false, });
    const  name = result[0].name;
    //Loops, gets and adds the names in an array
    doc.layers.forEach(layer =>{ if (layer.kind == "group"){ layer.layers.forEach(camada =>{ selects.push(;})}});
    //Go back to the previous step in the history 
    await app.batchPlay( [{"_obj":"select","_target":[{"_enum":"ordinal","_ref":"historyState","_value":"previous"}]}], { synchronousExecution: false, });
     // Invert the order of the list in ascending order
    sel = selects.reverse();
    for(var i = 0;i<sel.length; i++){ 
         await app.batchPlay( [{"_obj":"select","_target":[{"_name":sel[i],"_ref":"layer"}],"layerID":[739],"makeVisible":false}], { synchronousExecution: false, });
         await addImagens();

async function addImagens(){
      const fs = require('uxp').storage.localFileSystem;
      let entry = await fs.getFileForOpening();
      let token = fs.createSessionToken(entry);
      await action.batchPlay([
        // import
        {"descriptor": {"ID":709,"_obj":"placeEvent","freeTransformCenterState":{"_enum":"quadCenterState","_value":"QCSAverage"},"null":{"_kind":"local","_path":token },"offset":{"_obj":"offset","horizontal":{"_unit":"distanceUnit","_value":0.0},"vertical":{"_unit":"distanceUnit","_value":0.0}},"replaceLayer":{"_obj":"placeEvent","from":{"_id":659,"_ref":"layer"},"to":{"_id":709,"_ref":"layer"}}}, "options": {"dialogOptions": "display"}},
        // Transform
        {"descriptor": {"_obj":"transform","freeTransformCenterState":{"_enum":"quadCenterState","_value":"QCSAverage"},"height":{"_unit":"percentUnit","_value":105.45300722965703},"offset":{"_obj":"offset","horizontal":{"_unit":"distanceUnit","_value":-1.3642420526593923e-14},"vertical":{"_unit":"distanceUnit","_value":1.3642420526593923e-14}},"replaceLayer":{"_obj":"transform","from":{"_id":727,"_ref":"layer"},"to":{"_id":727,"_ref":"layer"}},"width":{"_unit":"percentUnit","_value":105.45300722965692}}, "options": {"dialogOptions": "display"}}
         ], { });

This insert error when selecting twice, I already got a working solution:
I changed “Place Embedded…”

  "ID": 83,
  "_obj": "placeEvent",
  "freeTransformCenterState": {
      "_enum": "quadCenterState",
      "_value": "QCSAverage"
  "null": {
      "_kind": "local",
      "_path": token
  "offset": {
      "_obj": "offset",
      "horizontal": {
          "_unit": "distanceUnit",
          "_value": 0.0
      "vertical": {
          "_unit": "distanceUnit",
          "_value": 0.0
  "replaceLayer": {
      "_obj": "placeEvent",
      "from": {
          "_id": 65,
          "_ref": "layer"
      "to": {
          "_id": 65,
          "_ref": "layer"

By: " Place Linked…"

  "ID": 28,
  "_obj": "placeEvent",
  "freeTransformCenterState": {
      "_enum": "quadCenterState",
      "_value": "QCSAverage"
  "linked": true,
  "null": {
      "_kind": "local",
      "_path": token
  "offset": {
      "_obj": "offset",
      "horizontal": {
          "_unit": "distanceUnit",
          "_value": 0.0
      "vertical": {
          "_unit": "distanceUnit",
          "_value": 0.0
  "replaceLayer": {
      "_obj": "placeEvent",
      "from": {
          "_id": 25,
          "_ref": "layer"
      "to": {
          "_id": 25,
          "_ref": "layer"

It only remains to correct the second error. When selecting the next layers, the images are inserted into the already processed layers and then inserted into the current selection.
Perhaps this is due to the way I got the names of the selected layers. What’s the best way to run something on selected layers only?