Export Indesign File to PDF

Does UXP have native support for exporting an Indesign file to PDF? If not, what would be the next best way to accomplish this?

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It seems that exportFile is the way to do it.

  * @file UXP Script for export PDF. 
  * For whatever reason, the documentation for exportFile exists on the page for objects such as TextFrame. 
  * https://developer.adobe.com/indesign/dom/api/t/TextFrame/#methods
  * @version 1.0.0
  * @author sttk3.com
  * @copyright © 2024 sttk3.com

const { app, ExportFormat } = require('indesign') ;

(() => {
  if(app.documents.length <= 0) {return ;}
  const doc = app.activeDocument ;

  const docName = doc.name.replace(/\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i, '') ;
  const targetPath = `/Users/username/Desktop/${docName}.pdf` ;

  const pdfPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item(0) ;
  doc.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, targetPath, false, pdfPreset) ;
})() ;