getFolder without folder picker

I’m using File → Generate → Image Assets and I want to access “[filename]-assets” folder without any folder picker to rename images.
Can I do that? I have path in a variable but I have no idea whats next.

No; outside of the plugin-data:// or plugin-temp:// folder, you have to display a picker so that the user (& OS) grants access to the folder to you. UXP does not permit system-wide file access w/o user interaction.

Once you have a folder, you have access recursievly and can use getEntry(path) to access entries within, but the user has to be involved in the initial step of picking a folder.

Once you have asked the user, you can save the entry with a persistent token so that you don’t have to ask again, however. See

Is there any plan to allow special permissions for plugins intended solely for enterprise distribution? I’m going to have a large of very annoyed artists if every one of our pipeline tools starts requesting access tokens to all the endpoints where we have to pick up / deliver files.


Yes exactly. I have seen a suggestion from Adobe that devs could get trusted and optionally sign plugins to get more permissions automatically. This was just a suggestion. Nothing promised.