Green - "grain" typo?

Many things with RGB color in batchPlay descriptors have a typo with green being listed as “grain”. It still works and also works when changing the text to green.

It’s not a big deal because it works. However, I’m concerned that anything saved in the program with “grain” could possibly stop working if the typo was fixed in a later PS release.

Since changing the text to “green” seems to work, I’ve been changing mine to “green”. I’m not sure if this is best to do or not but it is what I have been doing anyway.

Here is an example of the descriptor for creating solid color layer. I’ve seen this typo in several other descriptors too.

Just FYI…

   "_obj": "make",
   "_target": [
         "_ref": "contentLayer"
   "using": {
      "_obj": "contentLayer",
      "type": {
         "_obj": "solidColorLayer",
         "color": {
            "_obj": "RGBColor",
            "red": 0,
            "grain": 0,
            "blue": 0
   "_isCommand": true

Yellow is also different :slight_smile: Check this post and then Simon’s response :wink:

Good to know they both convert to "grn " so either will work the same. Pretty sure it was intended to be green, not grain. I’ve never heard of the Red, Grain, Blue color profile… or maybe I can just turn down the “grain” value for some type of noise reduction technique :slight_smile: