Hi, I’m trying to get my plugin to access your own files and add a .psd file to my active document.
However, unfortunately it cannot find the file, even though the path is correct.
This is my code:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const { app, batchPlay } = require("photoshop");
const { storage } = require('uxp');
export default function HeaderSelector() {
const [selectedHeader, setSelectedHeader] = useState(null);
const handleHeaderSelect = async (header) => {
console.log('Header selecionado:', header);
// Caminho completo para o arquivo de cabeçalho específico dentro do diretório do plugin
const headerFilePath = `./src/assets/${header}.psd`;
console.log('Caminho do arquivo:', headerFilePath);
// Caminho para o diretório do plugin
const pluginDir = await storage.localFileSystem.getPluginFolder();
// Função para modificar o documento ativo
const modifyDocument = async () => {
try {
// Obtém a entrada do arquivo de cabeçalho
const fileEntry = await pluginDir.getEntry(headerFilePath);
console.log('Arquivo encontrado:', fileEntry);
// Lê o conteúdo do arquivo de cabeçalho
const contents = await fileEntry.read({ format: storage.formats.binary });
// Envia um comando para o Photoshop para inserir o conteúdo como uma nova camada
const result = await batchPlay(
_obj: "placedLayerFromFile",
fileName: fileEntry.nativePath,
antiAlias: true,
width: 100, // Defina a largura da camada conforme necessário
height: 100, // Defina a altura da camada conforme necessário
link: false,
synchronousExecution: false,
modalBehavior: "execute",
console.log('Cabeçalho inserido com sucesso!', result);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Erro ao inserir o cabeçalho:', error);
// Executa a função de modificação
await modifyDocument();
return (
<sp-menu-item onClick={() => handleHeaderSelect('SB')}>SB</sp-menu-item>
<sp-menu-item onClick={() => handleHeaderSelect('CON')}>CON</sp-menu-item>
<sp-menu-item onClick={() => handleHeaderSelect('Alienware')}>Alienware</sp-menu-item>
<sp-menu-item onClick={() => handleHeaderSelect('Gaming')}>Gaming</sp-menu-item>
<sp-menu-item onClick={() => handleHeaderSelect('Outlet')}>Outlet</sp-menu-item>
<sp-menu-item onClick={() => handleHeaderSelect('Experts')}>Experts</sp-menu-item>
{selectedHeader && <p>Selecionado: {selectedHeader}</p>}
This is my permission on manifest.json
"requiredPermissions": {
"allowCodeGenerationFromStrings": true,
"localFileSystem": "plugin"
And, this is the error console gave to me:
Erro ao inserir o cabeçalho: Error: Could not find an entry of 'plugin:/src/assets/SB.psd'
at Object._getEntryImpl (uxp://uxp-internal/webfs_scripts.js:2)
at async Object.getEntry (uxp://uxp-internal/webfs_scripts.js:2)
My file path is:
There were other times when the console gave me something like “plugin:” in front of my path. Would I need to define something else for it to work correctly? Or do I need other permissions for the plugin to access the path?