You haven’t signed up for the Creative Cloud Partner and Developer Reception on December 2nd (2021-12-02T17:00:00Z → 2021-12-02T19:30:00Z)? Well … I suggest that you do that as soon as possible
Whether you want to get your eyes on the latest sneak peeks both on the general direction for the coming years (by Aubrey Cattell – VP, Creative Cloud Developer Platform), the more technical news (@kerrishotts – Principal Product Manager, Extensibility), the latest news on the marketplace (Avanish Gandhi – Sr Product Manager, CC Extensibility Platform) or on the Partner and Developer Ecosystem side of things (@Ingo and @Erin_Finnegan): We have a great line-up of hosts waiting for you
Additionally, we have some great talks by community members, including @sberic on the ExtendScript Debugger 2.0 as well as several other sneak peeks into new plugins (by the respective plugin developers) and more.
Last, but most certainly not least, we also have breakout sessions on
- Marketplace & Partner Ecosystem
- Developer Sneaks and Extensibility (I know where I’m gonna be
- General roundtable / networking
I’m looking forward to, once again, welcoming many of you there ! And, to our US community members: Have a happy thanksgiving!