I have the requestPermsissions set to fullAccess and I can successfully read a file from the user’s file system. My use case is that I read a csv file and that file contains a list of images (psd). I want to programatically operate on those images.In particular I want to make each image and active document and then run a batchPlay on it.
I cannot figure out how to open the file as a photoshop document.
I found the solution.
const app = require('photoshop').app;
const core = require('photoshop').core;
const fs = require('fs');
const fs2 = require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem;
// Function to open a PSD file programmatically
async function openDocument(filePath) {
try {
core.executeAsModal(async () => {
const entryPath = await fs2.getEntryWithUrl(filePath);
const openedDocument = await app.open(entryPath);
// Make it the active document
app.activeDocument = openedDocument;
console.log(`Opened and set active: ${openedDocument.title}`);
}, {});
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error opening document:", error);