Operating system specific problems with InDesign APIs?

Thanks, @kerrishotts, @tomzag, and @sttk3 (not that I’m any closer to a solution, but at least I know I’m not entirely crazy :wink: – it’s happening on other machines, too)!

I can’t speak to whether it’s expected (@pkrishna @Shruti ?), but it’s the same on my end.

PS: I’ll probably buy a Mac Mini to test stuff on macOS again :sweat_smile: . So hopefully, I’ll be able to begin at least debugging what’s going on next week or so :see_no_evil: … (I need to test macOS stuff on other projects, as well, since I’m now self-employed again, so it’s not just for this project, but I’m still not necessarily over the moon to spend roughly $ 1000 on something that I don’t want :neutral_face: )

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