Ordering of submenu menu items in InDesign flyout menu

I am pleased that, with InDesign v20, we’ve now got panel flyout menus. However, there is one oddity that I can’t immediately see how to work around.

I want a simple ‘Go to’ submenu in my flyout menu, with 3 menu items in the submenu: ‘Front Cover’, ‘Table of Contents’, ‘Back Cover’.

The code I have in entrypoints (in the menuItems section of the panel section) is:

{id:'goto', label:'Go to', submenu:[
	{id:'goto-front-cover', label:'Front Cover'},
	{id:'goto-table-of-contents', label:'Table of Contents'},
	{id:'goto-back-cover', label:'Back Cover'}

What I am seeing in InDesign is this:

I want the menu items in the order I have entered them: ‘Front Cover’, ‘Table of Contents’, ‘Back Cover’, but what I am getting is: ‘Back Cover’., ‘Front Cover’, ‘Table of Contents’. It seems that uxp is re-ordering my submenu menu items alphabetically on the label. Why? And how can I get the menu items to show up in the order that I have entered and want?

Is this alphabetical re-ordering a bug or a (supposed) feature?

Note that this re-ordering doesn’t seem to happen with menu items at the root level of the flyout menu – they are ordered as entered.


I have found that this issue is specific to InDesign – submenu menu items are ordered as entered in a Photoshop plugin panel.
