Placing png from url (Dalle2 API)

I’m a novice trying to make an open-source plugin as a hobby. The plugin will use generated images from openAi/Dalle2 api, etc.
I am able to get the url of the generated png, but I can’t seem to figure out how to place it in the document. Any help would be much appreciated. Here’s what I have so far.

// Basic Setup
var batchPlay = require("photoshop").action.batchPlay;
var core = require("photoshop").core;
var exeModal = require("photoshop").core.executeAsModal;
var psAlert = require("photoshop").core.showAlert;
var app = require("photoshop").app;
const uxp = require('uxp');
const storage = require('uxp').storage;
const fs =;
const formats =;

// Set up constants for the API endpoint and your access key
const API_ENDPOINT = "";
//see ACCESS_KEY in key.js

// Get a reference to the button element
const button = document.getElementById("generateButton");

// Add an event listener to the button
button.addEventListener("click", () => generateImage());

// Function to generate an image when the button is clicked
async function generateImage() {
  console.log("Generating image...");

  // Get the input prompt from the user
  const inputPrompt = document.getElementById("inputPrompt").value;
  const imageSize = document.getElementById("image-size").value;
  console.log("prompt: " + inputPrompt);
  console.log("image size: " + imageSize);

  // Show the loading indicator
  document.getElementById("generated-image").innerHTML = "Generating image...";

  try {
    // Make a POST request to the OpenAI API endpoint
    const response = await fetch(API_ENDPOINT, {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        Authorization: `Bearer ${ACCESS_KEY}`,
      body: JSON.stringify({
        prompt: inputPrompt,
        model: "image-alpha-001",
        num_images: 1,
        size: imageSize,
        response_format: "url",

// Get the response data as a JSON object
const data = await response.json();

// Get the URL of the generated image from the API response
const imageUrl =[0].url;

// Fetch the image data from the URL
const imageResponse = await fetch(imageUrl);

// Get the image data as a blob
const imageBlob = await imageResponse.blob();

////////////////// NEED HELP WITH BELOW /////////////////////////////////

// Get a reference to the root folder of the plugin
var myFolder = await require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem.getFolder();
console.log("myFolder: " + myFolder);

var myFile = await myFolder.createFile("myFile.png", {overwrite: true});  
console.log("myFile: " + myFile);

const saveFileToken = await require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem.createSessionToken(saveFile);  
console.log("saveFileToken: " + saveFileToken);

//Place Image

} catch (error) {




// async function savePNG(saveFileToken){
//   const batchPlay = require("photoshop").action.batchPlay;
//   await exeModal(async function () {
//     await require('photoshop').action.batchPlay([

//       {
//         _obj: "placeEvent",
//         ID: 2,
//         null: {
//            _path: saveFileToken,
//            _kind: "local"
//         },
//         freeTransformCenterState: {
//            _enum: "quadCenterState",
//            _value: "QCSAverage"
//         },
//         offset: {
//            _obj: "offset",
//            horizontal: {
//               _unit: "distanceUnit",
//               _value: 0
//            },
//            vertical: {
//               _unit: "distanceUnit",
//               _value: 0
//            }
//         },
//         replaceLayer: {
//            _obj: "placeEvent",
//            to: {
//               _ref: "layer",
//               _id: 2
//            }
//         },
//         _options: {
//            dialogOptions: "dontDisplay"
//         }
//      }

//     ], {});
// })

//   }```

Here’s the manifest, just in case this is the problem:

  "manifestVersion" : 5,
  "name" : "Image Machine",
  "host" : {
    "app" : "PS",
    "minVersion" : "22.0.0"
  "main" : "index.html",
  "entrypoints" : [ {
    "minimumSize" : {
      "width" : 230,
      "height" : 200
    "maximumSize" : {
      "width" : 2000,
      "height" : 2000
    "preferredDockedSize" : {
      "width" : 230,
      "height" : 300
    "id" : "vanilla",
    "label" : {
      "default" : "Image Machine"
    "type" : "panel",
    "preferredFloatingSize" : {
      "width" : 230,
      "height" : 300
  } ],
  "id" : "fafac58c",
  "icons" : [ {
    "path" : "icons/dark.png",
    "width" : 23,
    "scale" : [ 1, 2 ],
    "theme" : [ "darkest", "dark", "medium" ],
    "height" : 23
  }, {
    "path" : "icons/light.png",
    "width" : 23,
    "scale" : [ 1, 2 ],
    "theme" : [ "lightest", "light" ],
    "height" : 23
  } ],
  "requiredPermissions": {
    "network": {
      "domains": [
    "filePicker": "readAndWrite",
    "localFileSystem": "request",
    "clipboard": "readAndWrite",
    "webview": {
            "allow": "yes",
            "domains": [ "https://*", "https://*"]
    "launchProcess": { 
                [ "https", "slack"],        
                [ ".xd", ".psd" ]    
  "version" : "1.0.0"

Hi @prof !

I think this is only just now supported in Beta. Check out this documentation: as well as this forum thread: 🎉 Imaging API Documentation update, plus expanded TextItem capabilities

As far as I can tell from the very bottom of the document:

With the current version of UXP you must use jpeg/base64 encoding when assigning to an image element.

Maybe I’m not reading it right, but perhaps png isn’t supported yet?

ah. ok. thanks. I believe I’m in over my head.

You’ve made it this far! Don’t give up!

Most of the people I’ve run into making plugins and scripts for Photoshop started off doing it as a hobby.

As @Erin_Finnegan said - don’t give up!

That said, UXP requires some prior knowledge of JavaScript.

I learnt JavaScript via UXP’s predecessor CEP, and I wish I’d just learnt straight JS first.
There are absolutely loss of free JS course on the internet

Thanks @Erin_Finnegan and @Timothy_Bennett , I have very basic js knowledge I learned using p5js. I’m happy with my first experimental plugins. See link below. They mostly just use batchplay. Inspired by the Stability plugin, I want to combine ai generation into my experiments.
I’m just stuck on anything related to files, session tokens, etc. I can’t even get the “Unsplash Images Plugin Sample” working. Not sure what tutorials to even look for to understand this stuff. Any suggestions would be appreciated.Thanks.