i tried various methods but i can’t save the file in the desired folder
this is the script i have available
async function saveJpg() {
let result;
let psAction = require("photoshop").action;
let command = [
result = await psAction.batchPlay(command, {});
async function runModalFunction() {
await require("photoshop").core.executeAsModal(saveJpg, {"commandName": "Action Commands"});
await runModalFunction();
please do not send me links to external pages
if you can help me in simple way with working examples
Your _path
should be a token. Here’s an internal link with an example
1 Like
Here is another internal link showing how with UXP 7 you can grant arbitrary file access without using tokens.
Thank you both
maybe I explained myself wrong
I need a working script
the ones you put in the links I can’t get them to work
I’m not very experienced in uxp
Thanks for your help
What errors do you get? Please define can’t get them to work part
May 4, 2023, 1:26pm
The following is a reference for saving the file with a dialog.
When saving without user permission, the destination seems to be limited.
I am currently aware of the above information.
I don’t understand everything either.
I suggest you check the module section.
I listened to your suggestions and I managed to save the file in the temporay folder with this code fs.getTemporaryFolder();
and then in the plugin folder with this code fs.getPluginFolder();
Now I would like to be able to save it to a specific location
I tried this but it doesn’t work
maybe i make a mistake
can someone help me
the code below used it to save the file in a folder on the desktop named photo
const app = require("photoshop").app;
const fs = await require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem;
const formats = require("uxp").storage.formats;
const currentDocument = app.activeDocument;
const folder = await fs.getEntryWithUrl("file: /Desktop/photo");
const file = await tempFolder.createFile("pollo.jpg", { overwrite: true });
console.log(file, "fileToken");
quality: 12,
On line 6 shouldn’t tempFolder
just be folder
If you wrap your code in a try/catch
block it’ll report errors in the console for you:
try {
// Your code goes here
} catch (error) {
I corrected the error
I put try - catch
but nothing happens I don’t see any errors
Thanks for your help
try {
const app = require("photoshop").app;
const fs = await require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem;
const formats = require("uxp").storage.formats;
const currentDocument = app.activeDocument;
const folder = await fs.getEntryWithUrl("file: /Desktop/photo");
const file = await folder.createFile("pollo.jpg", { overwrite: true });
console.log(file, "fileToken");
quality: 12,
// Your code goes here
} catch (error) {
May 5, 2023, 12:13pm
saveAs accepts an entry
batchPlay accepts tokens
you don’t need to create a token
also since recently you don’t need to use file:
in your URL anymore
May 5, 2023, 12:44pm
Thanks Mayer show me an example of how to proceed, first they tell me that a token is needed now the token is no longer needed, I no longer understand anything about how to save a simple file in a folder.
May 5, 2023, 1:22pm
Please see here and try it out.
I have not tested them all either.
It appears that UXP requires the Photoshop functionality to go through the modal even when saving files.
The following code saves the currently active file.
const psApp = require('photoshop').app;//app Object
const psCore = require('photoshop').core;//core Object
const fsp = require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem;
async function imgsave() {
psCore.executeAsModal(async (exeCtrl) => {
try {
const file = await fsp.getFileForSaving("image.jpg");
psApp.activeDocument.saveAs.jpg(file, { quality: 12 }, true);
} catch (e) {
}, { "commandName": "test" });
When saving text, it was not necessary to go through the modal.
If it is helpful.
May 5, 2023, 1:30pm
when working with batchPlay
you need to provide a token in place of _path
a token is a string generated from an entry
for other methods like saveAs
you don’t have to, you just use the entry directly
const {app,core: { executeAsModal }} = require("photoshop");
const {storage: { localFileSystem: lfs }} = require('uxp');
let myDir = await lfs.getEntryWithUrl("D:\\")
let myFile = await myDir.createFile("pollo.jpg", { overwrite: true });
await app.activeDocument.saveAs.jpg(myFile, {quality: 12}, true);
lastly for this code to work you’ll need to use the correct manifest
"manifestVersion": 5,
"requiredPermissions": {
"localFileSystem": "fullAccess",
setting requiredPermissions > localFileSystem
to fullAccess
is neccesary for getEntryWithUrl
to work, otherwise you’ll need to use file pickers to generate an entry
1 Like
i tried your code, but it pops me the save as window, i would like to save the file without the save as window appearing.
i tried your code, but nothing happens it doesn’t save anything
I use mac instead of D:// I put /Users/myname/Desktop
for the manifest I continued as you suggested
I don’t understand where I can go wrong
everything seems alright
"id": "com.adobe.secure-storage-sample",
"name": "secure-storage-sample",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.html",
"host": [
"app": "PS",
"minVersion": "23.0.0"
"requiredPermissions": {
"localFileSystem": "fullAccess"
"main": "index.html",
"manifestVersion": 5,
"requiredPermissions": {
"network": {
"domains": [
"clipboard": "readAndWrite",
"localFileSystem": "request",
"ipc": {
"enablePluginCommunication": true
"entrypoints": [
"type": "panel",
"id": "vanilla",
May 5, 2023, 5:25pm
in your manifest you have duplicate requiredPermissions entries with the latter having localFileSystem set to request.
try removing the first and setting the one left to fullAccess
so you end up with one requiredPermissions object
"requiredPermissions": {
"network": {
"domains": [
"clipboard": "readAndWrite",
"localFileSystem": "fullAccess",
"ipc": {
"enablePluginCommunication": true
1 Like
Maher thank you for all the support you give me
unfortunately it doesn’t work yet
I corrected this way
"id": "com.adobe.secure-storage-sample",
"name": "secure-storage-sample",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.html",
"host": [
"app": "PS",
"minVersion": "23.0.0"
"main": "index.html",
"manifestVersion": 5,
"requiredPermissions": {
"network": {
"domains": [
"clipboard": "readAndWrite",
"localFileSystem": "fullAccess",
"ipc": {
"enablePluginCommunication": true
"entrypoints": [
"type": "panel",
"id": "vanilla",
May 6, 2023, 7:25pm
please run this code (after editing “myname” in the path) and share your console output
you can access the console by clicking debug
in the Developer Tool
const {app,core: { executeAsModal }} = require("photoshop");
const {storage: { localFileSystem: lfs }} = require('uxp');
try {
await executeAsModal(async()=>{
let myDir = await lfs.getEntryWithUrl("/Users/myname/Desktop")
let myFile = await myDir.createFile("pollo.jpg", { overwrite: true });
await app.activeDocument.saveAs.jpg(myFile, {quality: 12}, true);
} catch (error) {
1 Like
May 7, 2023, 5:58pm
I was able to save by specifying the full path as follows
Please review the path description.
Try it once.
let myDir = await lfs.getEntryWithUrl("C:/Users/myname/Desktop")
let myDir = await lfs.getEntryWithUrl("C:\\Users\\myname\\Desktop")
*If you are using OneDrive, note that it will not be saved to the OneDrive desktop.
Thank you for your valuable information.
It was helpful for me too.
Maher I did as you told me
unfortunately it doesn’t work
Debugging doesn’t show any errors
i use mac the path you provided doesn’t work for me
anyway thanks for sharing