Theming issue with <sp-textfield>

I haven’t found any thread about this yet so I’m creating this one.

The text color used in Textfields seems to not be theme aware some times. In darker themes this is particularly noticeable.

If someone has experienced this before and would like to share some thoughts on how this can be solvable the help will be much appreciated.

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I ran into something similar. I just ended up using <input>.

I’ve encountered this and more issues with the WebComponent sp-textfield, particularly the change and input events are not working for me - which is a huge blocker.

The plain <input> control has its own quirks for me - it seems to work fine on PC but on Mac there sometimes is a weird focus issue where text input isn’t possible until I dock the panel at least once (??).

The most “stable” input control so far for me has been the Spectrum UXP Widget <sp-textfield> one. I mean, it also has theming issues, but at least it seems to be functioning fine otherwise.

^^^ Turns out that the focus issue also happens on the <sp-textfield> widget on Mac… :frowning:
But… this actually only happens when I programmatically want to set focus to it (via a element.focus() call in JS) AND when the panel is in a floating state, docked it does not give issues… weird stuff.

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I am still seeing this using the UXP widgets for textfield and textarea as well, but its inconsistent.

I’m experiencing this issue as well. It’s intermittent. Has anyone found a solution?

I too have used a regular <input> instead.

Dark text on a dark background or light text on a light background, even intermittently, is no good.


If you are using SWC-UXP React Starter, maybe sp-textfield is not under the control of sp-theme/Theme component or color attribute of sp-theme is locked to “light”?