I’m testing on Photoshop 26.3.0 while working on a plugin with UXP.
I was expecting the bounds property of an artboard to reflect the values displayed in the properties panel, when that artboard is selected. So W, H, X, Y => width, height, left, top.
I think it is supposed to be that, but at the moment I’m getting everyting with a value of 0. And the object appears to have change its structure…
_top: 0,
_bottom: 0,
_left: 0,
_right: 0
So it not only not reflecting the actual values for each property but some properties are missing… width and height are not there anymore. Also the object seems to be different than in the docs.
To reproduce this you can use the UDT playground and write require("photoshop").app.activeDocument.artboards[1].bounds
in the console. While in a document with an arboard. You can move the arboard around and it will always have all values set to 0…
I guess I’m either doing something wrong myself and asking if this is the intended way to get properties like position and size of artboards… Or its bugged. I think its bugged.