Any Plans to let Us Access and Change Brush Blending Modes

Are there Any Plans to let Us Access and Change Brush Blending Modes with UXP

Alchemist is your friend. Appliction > currentToolOptions > mode.

This post then shows how to set a tool option: How to change Brush hardness without changing it's size via batchplay - #2 by simonhenke

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Thanks, I will look at that. Would be nice if the event was recordable under the listener

Using the above sample from @simonhenke I can now change both the brush size and the opacity using sliders in my plugin.

What I cannot seem to figure out is how to update the sliders to match Photoshop should either the brush size or opacity be chaged directly inside Photoshop

This can be tricky.
You would have to listen for brush adjustment (Iā€™m not aware of event listener that could fit), then you will have to read the values of opacity / size and finally set the sliders accordingly.

Maybe someone on this forum, who is more experienced will give you the solution.

This is the starting point for Event Listeners:

good luck!