On a previous post someone kindly showed a function to run a menu item.
Whay I have found is that this doesnt appear to work for Nested Menu items because the menu item is different on different computers which I find strange.
I am trying to open the Gaussian Blur Dialog which on my Mac has an id of -356 but on a different computer it shows a different id value.
Am I missing something
function menuCommand(id) {
commandID: id,
kcanDispatchWhileModal: true,
_isCommand: false
menuCommand( // put menu id here);
You might want to try this, without the use of nested menus, the Gaussian Blur dialog menu pops up. Hope this is what you want.
const batchPlay = require("photoshop").action.batchPlay;
await batchPlay(
"_obj": "gaussianBlur",
"radius": {
"_unit": "pixelsUnit",
"_value": 30
"_isCommand": true,
"_options": {
"dialogOptions": "display"
"synchronousExecution": false,
"modalBehavior": "fail"
@Pierre_G thats worked fine on my Mac, just going to load Windows and test it.
May I ask how you found this, ive been trying for hours
I just used Alchemist in Listening mode, and went to Ps menu for Gaussian Blur on a raster layer, that’s it.
Well blow me down as we say here in the UK.
I was looking in the wrong place trying hunt down a menu id to use in the above code.
Thank you so much.
I hear you
Glad it helps!
It seems that the menu ids will change after a new version is installed.
In one version it opens the Liquify, in the next it will open Dry Brush…
That is not a good new.
I think I know what I’m doing today after work 
Yesterday I got the confirmation.
if you have a menu id that is using a “-” befor the number it is not a static one and will change on each release and may be different from a windows to a mac client.
The promise is that the programmer-team has this problem on the roadmap but when this might be no problem any more no one can say…
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