Best IDE and/or how to configure IDE for Adobe XD

Sorry, I currently don’t have the time to write a more extensive answer, but here are some pointers into the right directions (in the hope that this already helps you). Besides that, I’ll elaborate on the answer a bit more in a few days when I have a bit more time…

To get autocompletion, you can use the Typescript Definitions (Typings) of the XD APIs, which are hosted in this GitHub repository:

It also discusses how it can be included in VSCode and WebStorm (even though there are also “newer” ways of doing it.

A few more details are also included in this thread about the topic: Adding autocompletion and linting in editors and IDEs

Personally, I usually use WebStorm with a project structure based on my open-source boilerplate, cf.

I hope this already helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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