@Jarda–How do you conveniently set “layer metadata” and is it saved with the document?
This thread suggests that layer metadata is not saved with the image but only available during the Ps session: Adding custom properties or metadata to Layers?
This thread talks about saving layer info in document metadata but what a complex process to go through when the layer already knows the the information on the neutral points and users could easily get it comparatively easily using legacyContentData
: Document XMP metadata
This thread talks about another “complicated” way to set metadata that I’m not sure is even possible with vanilla javascript: Photoshop UXP plugin + XMPMetadata - #2 by simonhenke
I did NOT find a DOM API for accessing or writing layer metadata here: https://developer.adobe.com/photoshop/uxp/2022/ps_reference/classes/layer/
The point still exists, I think, that the addition of the adjustment
layer property doesn’t provide the level of data previously present in legacyContenData
, at least not that I can see if the neutral points on the curve aren’t accessible to developers. Why can’t we at least have parity with legacyContenData
? Also, why should we have to create metadata for something the layer already is keeping track of. In other words, why can’t these neutral points be exposed for developers to use?