I just got done making a list for myself just by testing each layer type. I think this is all of them unless there is a #12 for another layer type I forgot to test.
1 - Bitmap layer, including background
2 - Adjustment layer (levels, hue/sat, curves, ect)
3 - Text
4 - Shape
5 - Smart Object
6 - Video
7 - Frame or Group
8 - 3D
9 - Gradient Fill
10 - Pattern Fill
11 - Color Fill
Groups actually occupy two layer spaces internally (group start and group end), so if that’s your setup…
…the layerKind at indices 0-3 would be
0: Pixel (LayerKind 1)
1: Group End (LayerKind 13)
2: Group (LayerKind 7)
Seems like backgrounds only result in LayerKind 12 when they’re the only layer in the document
Comparing a group with vector mask with a frame, these are the only differences. Seems like AGMStrokeStyleInfo is the only property to distinguish those two, as a group can’t have a stroke.
So if you check for the layerKind and this property you should be able to identify a frame, theoretically
I am returning to this because I would like to find out the actual type of adjustment layer.
For Example…
If active layer = curves then do something…
I have this function called LayerType which outputs the following. I can see “curves” in the output so I am thinking I could use that but not quite sure how to access it.
could you help me out. i saw the documentation as well and wish to do the samething and compare to LayerKind.TEXT. what exactly am i suppose to do to get this to work?