Convert an Action into UXP Code (Equivalent of `XTools`' `ActionFileToJavaScript`)

@ddbell I was able to load an action file in a manner as in this thread: Can I open a Photoshop file with UXP?

However, I was working from a “vanilla-ps-js” plugin that I was playing with from within the dedicated UXP > extensions folder at the time. Here’s the path I see to the plugin I was playing with:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\extensions\vanilla-ps-js

I’ve found that developing from within this “extensions” folder is not ideal as it let me do things that plugins installed from outside this “extensions” folder sometimes can’t, like ignoring the need for a token. So maybe that was part of the reason it worked. I’ve not tried the code outside this experiment or outside this “extensions” folder, so I guess it’s possible this makes a difference. But I was definitely able to load the .atn file at the time.

I also checked and see that I had actually used a token for this instead of a path as I was experimenting with using tokens at that time.

Anyway, I’ll include the batchPlay I used below in case it helps.

await require('photoshop').action.batchPlay([{ "_obj": "open", "dontRecord": false, "forceNotify": true, "null": { "_path": await getTokenForPath("yourActionPathAndName.atn"), _kind: "local"}, "_options": { "dialogOptions": "dontDisplay" } }], { "synchronousExecution": false }).then(result=>console.log(result), error=>console.log(error))