What is the best way to deactivate a div and all its content (buttons, sliders, textfields, radio-buttons …)?
I’m setting the elements to disabled
For example <sp-button disabled>I'm a disabled button</sp-button>
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("#myDiv *")).forEach(sr => {
sr.disabled = true
I tried this before and though it didn’t work. But there seems to be a bug. When a button contains an icon AND a “click” event listener is attached to it, the “disabled” option is ignored.
So this doesn’t work (disabled is ignored) …
<sp-button id="bbb" class="muted" quiet variant="secondary" nofocus disabled>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18">
<defs><style>.a {fill: #6E6E6E;}</style></defs>
<!-- <title>S Search 18 N</title> -->
<rect id="Canvas" fill="#ff13dc" opacity="0" width="18" height="18" /><path class="a" d="M16.5865,15.107,12.7,11.2215A6.413,6.413,0,1,0,11.2215,12.7l3.886,3.886a1.05,1.05,0,0,0,1.479-1.479ZM3,7.5A4.5,4.5,0,1,1,7.5,12,4.5,4.5,0,0,1,3,7.5Z" />
Yet this does (disabled is working) …
<sp-button id="bbb" class="muted" quiet variant="secondary" nofocus disabled>
I can’t reproduce it here. Your code is working fine.
If you are on Windows maybe it’s a Windows issue?
Did you attach an Eventlistener “click” to it? Maybe it has something to do with the file dialog hack that I have to use?
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("[nofocus]:not([data-handler-added])"), el => {
el.addEventListener("focus", evt => evt.target.blur());
I only tried the HTML code.
I ran into this same bug, where click events were being triggered on the DIV and SVG children of disabled buttons.
Adding this CSS rule fixed the issue for me:
sp-action-button *, sp-button * {
pointer-events: none;
As I understand, this basically means, that SP elements have events not on the elements themselves, but rather on something inside them?