Having some trouble to set a conditional attribute disabled
to sp-action-button.
Given boolean const allowed
I wanted that component puts or remove the disabled attribute:
Is there any other property that can make some behaviour?
Some failed tries already:
<sp-action-button disabled={allowed}>
<sp-action-button ${if(allowed){({ disabled })}}>
<sp-action-button ${(if(allowed){ disabled })}>
Thanks in advance!
Could you try the following:
<sp-action-button disabled={allowed ? undefined : "disabled"}>
I tried and its always disabled like this.
<sp-action-button disabled={allowed ? null : true}>
should work.
Also tested and it didn’t work.
Found a nice solution:
I created a custom component:
export function DisabledSpActionButton({ action, text, className, isDisabled }) {
return (
{isDisabled ? (
<sp-action-button class={className} onClick={action} disabled>
) : (
<sp-action-button class={className} onClick={action}>
Hm, usually it should work with undefined
or null
, weird.
You could also conditionally add the attribute:
<sp-action-button {...(isDisabled ? {disabled: true} : {})}>
If you name your variable disabled
it could also be written as
<sp-action-button {...(disabled ? {disabled} : {})}>
Not sure if that looks better though
at least it’s less code and you don’t have to repeat other properties.