Disable dialog when opening a psd file in Photoshop

Hi there.
I’m using a UXP plugin to automate some jobs.
Here’s a problem.
There are some PSD files that show a dialog when opened in Photoshop.

The dialog says:
This file uses an unsupported blending mode. Substitute normal mode?
OK / Cancel / Flatten

I want to bypass the dialog programmatically.
But an open 1 API doesn’t have an argument for this.

Is there any way to help this situation?

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Have you tried app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT?
(You’ll have to import app and UserInteractionLevels from InDesign.)

Thanks for the reply.

As you might guess, photoshop.app doesn’t have scriptPreferences field.
For test I set the value with NEVER_INTERACT, but it didn’t help.