All tags I tried (<sp-action-button/>, <sp-picker/>, <sp-detail/>, etc…) seem to work fine, but not <sp-button/>. As soon as I add it, on panel load I get this
_message: "Plugin is not permitted to launch external applications. Valid manifest entry is required.",
_name: "Security Error",
stack: "Security Error: Plugin is not permitted to launch … G (uxp://uxp-internal/domjs_scripts.js:2:112600)"
Any ideas?
What manifest entry is missing? One of permissions? Where do I find that list of available permissions?
Not sure I understand what you mean I just try to add <sp-button>Some label</sp-button> or <sp-button><span>label</span></sp-button>, but always same error
@kerrishotts , now tried to add a link and I get exact same message. Neither <a/> nor <sp-link/> works. What I might be doing wrong?
"_message": "Plugin is not permitted to launch external applications. Valid manifest entry is required.",
"_name": "Security Error"
"stack": "Security Error: Plugin is not permitted to launch external applications. Valid manifest entry is required.
at new <anonymous> (uxp://uxp-internal/platformjs_scripts.js:1:4114)
at Object.<anonymous> (uxp://uxp-internal/platformjs_scripts.js:1:4040)
at r (uxp://uxp-internal/platformjs_scripts.js:1:129)
at e.exports.<anonymous> (uxp://uxp-internal/platformjs_scripts.js:1:3550)
at Object.<anonymous> (uxp://uxp-internal/domjs_scripts.js:2:659391)
at n (uxp://uxp-internal/domjs_scripts.js:2:129)
at Object.ClassTypeFn (uxp://uxp-internal/domjs_scripts.js:2:655364)
at s (uxp://uxp-internal/domjs_scripts.js:2:45565)
at Object.getClassByElementName (uxp://uxp-internal/domjs_scripts.js:2:46034)
at G (uxp://uxp-internal/domjs_scripts.js:2:112600)"
<sp-button/> now works like a charm. Also <sp-link/> is now fine, but it shows a dialog requesting permissions. What the value should be instead of request for link to open without that dialog popping up?
That’s exactly what I was talking about during meetup when mentioned missing docs and constantly just guessing how one thing or the other should be done
cc: @heewoo
Until there’s a better solution, marking this as one, even if I get this on a link click:
Hi @Karmalakas, you shouldn’t be needing to include that in the manifest to have anchors or buttons show up. I’ll log a bug against UXP, but is there a chance you can provide us with a small plugin that reproduces this issue?
Without this, panel also doesn’t load with manifest v5. Even React Starter plugin from Adobe.
If I change manifest to v4, I get different error still (can’t check exactly what it is - not at my PC now)
I’ll note that at the moment you can’t submit Manifest V5 plugins to the marketplace anyway. That support is coming soon. That’s why there’s not a lot of docs on this.
allowCodeGeneration from strings shouldn’t be required to use any sp-button at all; I’ll have to take a look at this. If so, it’s a bug, and we’ll get it fixed.
Requiring launchProcess is also a bug, and we’ll address that soon.
Exception while invoking panel method on Plugin Id: com.[...].dev, Panel Id: Panel1, Entrypoint: create, TypeError: attachment.appendChild is not a function
at (PanelController.tsx?9754:41)
at Object._runPanelEntryoint (uxp://uxp-internal/pluginmanager_scripts.js:1)
at Object._dispatchPanelEvent (uxp://uxp-internal/pluginmanager_scripts.js:1)
at Object._executeMessage (uxp://uxp-internal/pluginmanager_scripts.js:1)
at Object.didFinishLoading (uxp://uxp-internal/pluginmanager_scripts.js:1)
at Object.loadMainFile (uxp://uxp-internal/pluginmanager_scripts.js:1)
at Object.loadDefaultMainFile (uxp://uxp-internal/pluginmanager_scripts.js:1)
at bootstrap (uxp://uxp-internal/pluginmanager_scripts.js:1)
Even if I remove requiredPermissions, I get exact same error.
Then if I change API version to 1, I get same error plus
Plugin is using a deprecated apiVersion of 1. Please update the plugin to apiVersion 2
If I leave manifest v5 and bundle the dist version, allowCodeGenerationFromStrings is not needed and plugin works as expected, so this is required only for development. launchProcess is still needed though - dist version won’t load without it