Hi everyone,
I know that this thread is already mentioned before but I was wondering is there any official Photoshop UXP React Typescript starter kit that supports the “spectrum web components” out of the box?
So I actually plan to use the etc. inside the functional components without any warnings like:
Property 'sp-button' does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements'
I know that there are these repositories:
- GitHub - thejustinwalsh/uxp-starter-react: Complete starter for writing UXP plugins using React and Typescript.
- uxp-photoshop-plugin-samples/typescript-webpack-sample at main · AdobeDocs/uxp-photoshop-plugin-samples · GitHub
The second is the official one but it lacks the support for the spectrum web components when I tried to use them out of the box.
I started with the setup created by @DavideBarranca (I got it from his book) and I added some more packages like “ts-loader”, and “typescript” as dev dependencies and I also added them into the webpack config file so everything builds. I guess I am missing the types for the spectrum web components.