External Object library

What are the plans for support of External Object libraries?
I’ve read about UXP Hybrid plugins (currently available for Photoshop):

I’ve recently started to use my CEP extensions with SDK Control Surface plugin.
This requires Control Surface plugin to be installed in specific location, loaded by user and then my extensions can communicate with it via External Object library.

Looking at Hybrid plugin, it only offers library to be bundled with UXP plugin.
I’m not sure that my current setup will work in that case.

Hybrid Plugins are loosely the equivalent of External Object in ExtendScript.

The limitation being Hybrid Plugins look different in each app today:

  1. C++ Native Access (Photoshop & InDesign)
  2. C++ SDK Access (Photoshop only)
  3. UXP <> C++ Communication channels (Photoshop only)

(Premiere Pro UXP has no Hybrid Plugins capabilities yet)

As far as accessing PPRO SDK Control Surface APIs from UXP, probably a similar setup to what you currently have would make the most sense (UXP plugin + separate C++ Plugin), although until the Premiere Pro team adds #3 channels, you’ll need to rely on our own communication route (http/ws/fs/etc).

Not sure Premiere Pro will ever integrate #2 for UXP Hybrid Plugins, but @bbb_999 FYI here is another use case for C++ SDK API access in UXP Hybrid Plugins you were asking about.


Thank you for the overview of the current options!
Yeah, I would love for #2 option to be integrated.

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For sure, hopefully we can get all 3!

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