Feature Request: Add API to check if fonts are missing

In my plugin it is necessary to notify the user if fonts are missing.

Add API to check if fonts are missing and then get a list of missing fonts.

Possible API:
api.fontsMissing !Boolean
api.getMissingFonts() !Array <String?>
api.getSceneNodesWithMissingFonts() ?SceneNodeList

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Wao! We have same idea! replace all font in probject.


We need/would like to get the users font’s list. We need to apply a font family to a text and we can’t know if the users has the font installed.

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We can do a lot with Fonts and custom fonts. In our case we would like to detect if the user has Font Awesome Installed. That way we can let the user know that our plugin needs that specific font. Or another idea is font suggestions from TypeKit. For both plugins/ideas we need to detect the current installed fonts.

Please allow us to have the list of the user installed fonts. I have a plugin finished only waiting for this.


We are going to put this one on the roadmap. the timeline will be updated in the future!


Any update regarding detection of installed fonts?

We’ve decided to put this under the “future” column on the roadmap (it’s not on yet).


Adobe Fonts team is working on an integration with XD that should give you more info about the fonts (sometime next year)


Not good enough but ok.