fs.getEntryWithUrl is not a function


In running this example code in the official documentation:
Const tmpFolder = await fs.getEntryWithUrl (“plugin-temp:/tmp”).

Return hint: Uncaught TypeError: fs.getEntryWithUrl is not a function.

What is the reason for this? How to solve it?

from the API changelog it says it’s available in version 24.2, so unless you have access to beta you’ll need to wait for the public final release.

the docs does not always state the version needed for feature

Thank you. Got it.
It is easy to understand if you specify the PS version next to the new features.

@amandah (or maybe someone else), please, please, please… Could someone go through the docs and add supported API, manifest and Ps versions for each class/method/property? Lately forum is getting more and more unsupported versions related topics just because it’s relatively impossible to know what’s supported in which version without testing and even with testing, error that something is not a function doesn’t say much, because it might be because of some typo too.


Awkwardly, I installed a beta version of PS 24.2.0, which prompted me when I loaded the plug-in:
Validate command successfull in App with ID PS and Version 24.2.0.
Load command failed in App with ID PS and Version 24.2.0.
Plugin Load Failed.
Devtools: Failed to load the devtools plugin.

there’s also some misinformation where the “min version” is mentioned.

for example: textItem says that its available since 24.1 yet it returns “undefined” in mentioned version, and change log says it’s availabe in 24.2

for example: textItem says that its available since 24.1 yet it returns “undefined” in mentioned version, and change log says it’s availabe in 24.2

Cc’ing @samgannaway for :point_up_2:t2:

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Noted. Thanks for the ping.