Get PS Document Slices

Is there a way to get the current slices in a PS document? Trying the following BatchPlay throws a The command “Get” is not currently available error.

            _obj: "get",
            _target: [
                _ref: "slice",
                _enum: "ordinal",
                _value: "allEnum",
            _options: {
              dialogOptions: "dontDisplay",
          synchronousExecution: false,
          modalBehavior: "fail",

Turns out getting the slices from the BatchPlay document solves this for now:

  const ps = require("photoshop");
  const batchPlay = ps.action.batchPlay;

  const getSlices = (doc) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      ps.core.executeAsModal(() => {
              _obj: "get",
              _target: [
                  _ref: "document",
                  _id: doc._id,
              _options: {
                dialogOptions: "dontDisplay",
            synchronousExecution: false,
            modalBehavior: "fail",
        ).then((res) => {

  await getSlices(;
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