I have existing plugins and they store data on the sceneNode.pluginData property. I have since made paid versions of the plugins. But if the user uses the free version and saves data to pluginData and then upgrades to the paid model the paid plugin will not be able to read or modify the free plugin pluginData.
I know there is the sharedData property but that doesn’t fix the issue because the paid plugin still can’t read the free plugins pluginData. It can read the sharedData key value pair but not modify it.
Is there a way that the paid version(s) and free version of a plugin can share the same pluginData?
If I make a third listing for a plugin the problem is worse.
I would have pluginData on three separate areas:
- free
- paid (one time)
- subscription (yearly subscription)
None of the same exact plugins can talk to each other or read the shared data.