Is it possible to open the Gaussian Blur Dialog box through code?

await low.applyGaussianBlur(6)

The above applies the blur directly but i want the user to access the dialog box and select a blur to their liking.

In the way that you can select the toggle dialog on and off in the actions panel, i’m wondering if theres a option or method or something that can access the dialog box?

Hi drexalFunc,
I use the following function with this call : await gaussianBlur ()

const gaussianBlur = async () => {
  await exeModal(() => {
          _obj: "gaussianBlur",
          radius: {
            _unit: "pixelsUnit",
            _value: 10
          },          _options: {
            dialogOptions: "display"

Works quit well

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Or in DOM you can try displayDialogs in Photoshop class. This applies only to DOM. Not batchPlay.

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Yes @Jarda (and hi)
In ExtendScript, you can call up the Gaussion Blur dialog as follows:

app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.ALL;

Thank you very much pdophoto, that works perfectly.