Manifest version 4 and Plugin Launchpad Sidebar

Hey, folks!

I’m iago and i’m creating a UXP plugin for AdobeXD following the official documentation.

I noticed that the latest version of the manifest.json file is v4, in which we had a change on the uiEntryPoints attribute that became entrypoints.

Also, the accepted types of entrypoints now are “command” and “panel”.

The problem is when the entry point has the type “panel”, i expect it to be showed on the Plugin’s Launchpad sidebar panel, but this is not happening. It’s being showed only on the plugin item on the top menu bar.

Here is my manifest v4 file:

  "manifestVersion": 4,
  "id": "{PLUGIN_ID}}",
  "name": "AdobeXD Panel Plugin",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "main": "main.js",
  "host": {
    "app": "XD",
    "minVersion": "36.0"
  "entrypoints": [
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "resizeRectangle",
      "label": {
        "default": "Resize Rectangle",
        "pt-BR": "Redimensionar Retângulo"

Things works as expected when i use the v3 of manifest, switch to the old uiEntryPoints attribute and replace the id attribute by panelId as you can see below:

  "id": "{PLUGIN_ID}}",
  "name": "AdobeXD Panel Plugin",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "host": {
    "app": "XD",
    "minVersion": "36.0"
  "uiEntryPoints": [
      "type": "panel",
      "panelId": "resizeRectangle",
      "label":  "Resize Rectangle"

Another interesting thing is that when i create a new XD plugin using the UXP Dev Tool and select the AdobeXD template, it creates a panel plugin containing the manifest.json using the manifest version 3.

  "id": "123456",
  "name": "UXP Developer Tool Plugin",
  "host": [
      "app": "XD",
      "minVersion": "36.0"
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "icons": [
      "width": 24,
      "height": 24,
      "path": "images/icon@1x.png"
      "width": 48,
      "height": 48,
      "path": "images/icon@2x.png"
  "uiEntryPoints": [
      "type": "panel",
      "label": "Enlarge a Rectangle",
      "panelId": "enlargeRectangle"

My question is: Am i doing something wrong or to create a panel plugin that is showed on the plugin’s launchpad sidebar i need to use the old manifest v3?

XD has not yet been updated to use the v4 manifest. Please continue using the v3 manifest format.

All right.
Thanks, @DavidXD!

Hi Iago,

It was nice meeting you at Partner Days. While XD does not fully support all new capabilities of the v4 manifest you should be able to utilize it with XD plugins. XD currently requires the icons section of the manifest and the absence of that is causing the load/display issue you reported. Please let us know if including icons in the manifest, and within the plugin payload, does not resolve this issue.


Hey, @kevinrice.

That is exactly what was missing.
The panel plugin now turns up on the plugins sidebar menu.
Thanks a lot!!!
@kevinrice @kerrishotts

Here is the repo of the panel plugin in case anyone wants to take a look: