Opening layer style dialog with second inner shadow effect selected by default

Hello all,

I’d like the ability to open a layer style dialog where my second inner shadow effect on a layer is selected by default, like this:

Here is my batch play code so far to get it to open with the two inner shadow effects, first one selected by default:

const editInnerShadow = async (innerShadow) => {
        await core.executeAsModal(async function () {
            let result = await action.batchPlay([{
                _obj: "get",
                _target: [
                    { _ref: "property", _property: "layerEffects" },
                    { _ref: "layer", _id: },
                options: { dialogOptions: "dontDisplay" },
            }], {});
            return action.batchPlay([{
                descriptor: {
                    _obj: "set",
                    _target: [
                        { _property: "layerEffects", _ref: "property" },
                        { _ref: "layer", _id: },
                    to: {
                        _obj: "layerEffects",
                        innerShadowMulti: result[0].layerEffects.innerShadowMulti
                options: { dialogOptions: "display" },
            }], {});
        }, {"commandName": "Edit inner shadow."});

Any thoughts on how I can modify the above code to get the desired result? I was hoping I could use an ‘index’ property or something to tell the dialog which inner shadow effect I want opened by default.

Thank you!