It was a great event in London yesterday - the first date of the European Hello, XD Plugin tour (see @ashryan’s post on LinkedIn).
It always rewarding to chat directly to key Adobe people in the team including @ashryan, @kerrishotts and @peterflynn. Naturally, I made a selfish request … the ability to gain information which point(s) are selected in a path so that we can apply vector manipulations via a future Astui API function to them.
However, in further testing today, I can think of two great and most-likely sought after uses of this request:
- Split (cut) path at point(s) - see Uservoice request
- Join selected points
It should be trivial to make a plugin to split paths with this info from the API. Joining paths can be as complex as you like (detecting closest matched amongst a selection, etc.).
Here you go @kerrishotts and @peterflynn - stick it in and we’ll (ie. @Irina ) will make a completely free XD plugin just to prove this!
Can any other devs out there see a use for selected point info via the API?