Serialize scenegraph data to JSON?

yeah sorry, selected is fine. For my particular use-case it’s irrelevant because I’m trying to see if the node has changed or not (which isn’t affected by whether it’s selected or not).

yeah I think we can fix the infinite loops if we add a bit more logic - we just need to ensure that Action is properly handled so destination or overlay don’t get fully expanded. Obviously we are trying to avoid “special cases”, as that’s the whole point of doing it this way vs. manually mapping all the classes, but yeah I see your related discussion in typeof(scenegraph.SceneNode) is undefined - #7 by gdreyv so hopefully we can find something generic

heh yeah but I guess we don’t know how long “temporary” is. I don’t personally use Typescript so it would need a bit more work to make it ingestible in my plugin - will PR if I get any time

@kerrishotts do you have any updates on that? It’s weird that we can’t serialize js objects into json.
For I’m facing multiple exceptions on custom serialization e.g. trying to access horizontalConstraints on Symbol throws parent not defined error.