Using with manifest version 5

var socket = io.connect('', {
    query: {
      "name": "plugin-helloworld"

I was using version 4 in my manifest.json before and the connection with my electron app is ok without any error. But then i try to change to version 5, the connection just stop without return any error.
Now i don’t know how to handle this. Please help.

I found out this is the error when i try to connect

You might need to add network permissions to the manifest file.

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Something like this?

"requiredPermissions": {
    "network": {
      "domains": [

OK so seem like i cannot specify the domain to my electron server, but if i set it to “all” then it work fine

"requiredPermissions": {
    "localFileSystem": "fullAccess",
    "network": {
      "domains": "all"

@BillCipher Which PS version and OS are you running the plugin on? The https domain should have worked.

I am using window 10 at the moment, and even with remove the port it still didnt work

“domains”: [

Doesn’t this solve the problem?

No, this does’t work for me when i use it. Maybe the need more than just the server domain, just an assumption.