UXP InDesign Plugin require('uxp').userInfo.userId() returns empty string

I’m writing InDesign plugin using UXP. I need to get the GUID of plugin user.
The code:
As stated in docs, added to manifest.json

"requiredPermissions": {
  "enableUserInfo": true

and getting userId in main.js

const { entrypoints, userInfo } = require("uxp");
const { app } = require("indesign");

  commands: {
    showAlert: () => showAlert()
  panels: {
    showPanel: {
      show({node} = {}) {}

showAlert = () => {
    const dialog = app.dialogs.add();
    const col = dialog.dialogColumns.add();
    const colText = col.staticTexts.add();

    let userId = userInfo.userId(); // Get the GUID of plugin user
    colText.staticLabel = "Congratulations! You just executed your first command. "+ userId;
    dialog.canCancel = false;

The problem is that userId returns empty. I’m successfully logged in with Creative cloud account. InDesign and UXP versions are appropriate.
Could you please help to find the problem?

I’m experiencing the same behavior in InDesign. Has anyone successfully managed to retrieve the GUID via UXP?