UXP InDesign Plugin require('uxp').userInfo.userId() returns empty string

I’m writing InDesign plugin using UXP. I need to get the GUID of plugin user.
The code:
As stated in docs, added to manifest.json

"requiredPermissions": {
  "enableUserInfo": true

and getting userId in main.js

const { entrypoints, userInfo } = require("uxp");
const { app } = require("indesign");

  commands: {
    showAlert: () => showAlert()
  panels: {
    showPanel: {
      show({node} = {}) {}

showAlert = () => {
    const dialog = app.dialogs.add();
    const col = dialog.dialogColumns.add();
    const colText = col.staticTexts.add();

    let userId = userInfo.userId(); // Get the GUID of plugin user
    colText.staticLabel = "Congratulations! You just executed your first command. "+ userId;
    dialog.canCancel = false;

The problem is that userId returns empty. I’m successfully logged in with Creative cloud account. InDesign and UXP versions are appropriate.
Could you please help to find the problem?